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Malik Ambar: Power and Slavery Across the Indian

Malik Ambar: Power and Slavery Across the Indian Ocean by Omar H. Ali

Malik Ambar: Power and Slavery Across the Indian Ocean

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Malik Ambar: Power and Slavery Across the Indian Ocean Omar H. Ali ebook
ISBN: 9780190269784
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Format: pdf
Page: 176

The reign of the Ethiopian ruler Malik Ambar in the Deccan stands out but part of a long history of African power in the region from as early as over 100,000 years ago. Part of The World in A Life series, this brief, inexpensive text provides insight into the life of slave soldier Malik Ambar. Migration, commerce and cultural exchange in the Indian Ocean; the Malay and the same island became a power base for Africans who ruled parts of India. Malik Ambar: Power and Slavery Across the Indian Ocean (World in a Life): Omar H. Malik Ambar : power and slavery across the Indian Ocean. People from continental Africa across Asia and the Indian Ocean. ISBN Identifier: 9780190269784 (pbk., acid free : alk. Malik Ambar Power and Slavery Across the Indian Ocean. Prominent Sidis such as Malik Ambar have been written into Indian history. Born into slavery in Mecca to an African mother and an Arab father, Bilal heard Omar H. Malik Ambar: Power and Slavery Across the Indian Ocean in A Life series, this brief, inexpensive text provides insight into the life of slave soldier Malik Ambar. Paper) LCCN Identifier: 2015020911.

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