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Java Concurrency in Practice book

Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz, David Holmes, Doug Lea, Joseph Bowbeer, Joshua Bloch, Tim Peierls

Java Concurrency in Practice

Download Java Concurrency in Practice

Java Concurrency in Practice Brian Goetz, David Holmes, Doug Lea, Joseph Bowbeer, Joshua Bloch, Tim Peierls ebook
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Format: chm
Page: 384
ISBN: 0321349601, 9780321349606

Visibility and Atomicity (VNA) Guidelines. Making this visibility example fail. This paper will help you to collect the tools and practices needed to modernize the way you develop concurrent Java code. Dion Almaer, former editor of TheServerSide, recently blogged (after a painful debugging session that ultimately revealed a threading bug) that most Java programs are so rife with concurrency bugs that they work only "by accident". Ensure visibility when accessing shared primitive variables. Vu le poste, on veut des gens qui connaissent un minimum la concurrence (Java concurrency in practice est un trčs bon livre sur le sujet), un minimum de maven et un bon niveau de test. In chapter 3.1 "Visibility" I found an interesting analogy to eventually consistent databases. 1.1.3 The java.util.concurrent Classes. 2.1.1 Noncompliant Code Example (Non-Volatile Flag). Mes chers lecteurs, J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que je devrais, en 2012, ajouter une nouvelle corde � mon arc, en l'occurrence une nouvelle formation : Java Concurrency In. The book Java Concurrency In Practice by Brian Goetz et al deals with Java concurrency in an almost overwhelming depth.

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